Vane Road Primary School

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Values and Ethos Statement

Alongside the overarching principles outlined on the Archway Federation page, the following values have been agreed by staff, children and governors as key principles that underpin all the work of the staff at Vane Road Primary School and we work with the wider community to meet these.


At Vane Road Primary we aim to develop the “whole child” so that they become ‘good citizens’, who will go on to do ‘great things’. Developing children’s character, through respect, resilience, kindness, inclusivity and ambition are central to daily life at Vane Road Primary School.


In order to realise this vision, in every day practice and interaction, at Vane Road Primary School, we live by a set of five values.



We deceided to have a school anthem that represents our values. Please listen to our choir singing 'This is me' from 'The Greatest Showman'.


Choir mp3.mp3 .mp3

At Vane Road Primary School, we believe these five core values underpin everything we do.

  • Respect; all our relationships are built upon this.
  • Ambition; we can aspire to be whatever and whoever we wish.
  • Kindness; we are kind to all.
  • Resilience; we have the ability to bounce back from challenges we face.
  • Inclusivity; we accept we are all different but treat each other equally


Respect is central to all our school values. From day one children are taught to be respectful. Adults in school model respectful relationships and children are taught to share their thoughts and opinions in a respectful manner.



Our curriculum is designed to allow children the opportunity to study a range of aspirational people. This allows our pupils to create a sense of self belief and believe that with hard work they can go on to be whoever and whatever they wish.



Kindness is a gift we can all afford to give”

We treat everyone and everything with kindness.



We have the ability to bounce back from any challenges we face. We are determined to succeed and persevere. We encourage children to ‘stick  it out’ and try and try again.



We believe that “What makes us all the same is that we are all different”. This is a key message that we deliver to our children through our curriculum particularly in our PSHCE and RSE lessons.


Our school day is organised to provide children with the best possible chances of fulfilling the school values. Please see below or click here to download the document.


You can read more about our values and ethos in this document. Click here to download the file or scroll though the printout.